
In early 2019 two Shrewsbury creatives joined forces in their quest for studio space and found some in the Riverside Centre in Shrewsbury town centre. We became a group of ten resident artists: illustrators, printmakers, sculptors, designers, architects and painters, and grew a vibrant community around our studio, including an exhibition space hosted by the Shropshire Cycle Hub.

We have now left Smithfield Rd and rehoused ourselves at The English Bridge Workshop, joining 3 other artists and many groups who use the halls there. We are now adapting our project to the new space, where there is potential for so much more!

Raven Studios is managed by MakeSpace Arts & Well-Being CIC, which is a Community Interest Company focusing on the following:

• providing affordable workspace to creatives
• improving the wellbeing of artists and creatives
• supporting local art projects
• advocating for the local art community
• growing a network of arts and wellbeing practitioners

MakeSpace CIC is directed by Jancis Vaughan and James Smith.